Are you or your loved one suffering from High BP or hypertension and looking for natural blood pressure remedies? Then you got to read this article for reducing High BP naturally with the intake of blood pressure-lowering herbs and potassium-rich foods. Remember nature has everything you need for healthy living! Check out our list of magical blood pressure-lowering herbs!

If you are under the impression that blood pressure medication is the only way to manage hypertension and related ailments, then here is something startling for you. A 50+ man who was on medication for more than 12 years, stunned his doctor by lowering his systolic blood pressure by 105 points in just 17 days. Is it possible? You may not be aware that their many natural blood pressure-lowering foods that work much better than medication.

Blood Pressure Lowering Herbs for Reducing High BP Naturally

No matter how severe your hypertension level is, nature has provided us with many natural blood pressure remedies that can bring down your blood pressure to normal levels almost instantly. However, you must be aware of the correct recipe of the blood pressure-lowering herbs and some other important facts to take advantage of these age-old natural blood pressure remedies. Calcium and potassium-rich foods are natural blood pressure lowering foods.

Foods that Lower High Blood Pressure

Chaksu Seeds For Reducing High BP Naturally

Also known as Cassia Absus, Chaksu is a remarkable Ayurvedic herb that can be used in powder form and consumed every day for blood pressure management naturally. Check out more about chaksu seeds’ benefits and how they can act as a natural blood pressure remedy.

Beetroot for Reducing High BP Naturally

This humble root is a good source of potassium. Drinking beetroot juice can bring your blood pressure to normal levels within an hour of consumption.

Plain Yogurt for Reducing High BP Naturally

Make yogurt a part of your daily diet and see the result in terms of normal blood pressure. However, care should be taken in ensuring that no salt is added to it.

Banana Good for High BP

The Banana is the most suitable natural food which helps to reduce high blood pressure. People suffering from hypertension must eat 1-2 bananas daily. However, if you are overweight then do not consume more than three bananas a day unless you have an exercise plan in place to burn the extra calories.

Kiwifruit for Reducing High BP Naturally

One kiwifruit a day will fulfill your 9% potassium requirement and daily consumption will remarkably reduce your BP.

Broccoli High in Potassium to Reduce High BP Naturally

Just one cup of broccoli will give you 14% of your daily potassium dose and thus is a great food to fight your high BP problems. Make it a part of your diet and see the results.

Sweet Potato High in Potassium to Reduce High BP Naturally

Consume sweet potato with skin and fulfill your 15% potassium needs daily and maintain your blood pressure at normal levels.

How about going for Dr. Channing’s Blood Pressure Protocol which helped a 56-year-old man normalize his blood pressure within 17 days?

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