Graviola which especially looks like a Custard Apple is a wonderful organic product that is getting famous for its enemy of malignant growth properties. Likewise called Soursop, Graviola has numerous therapeutic purposes. How about we see the numerous Graviola medical advantages and take a look at Graviola therapy for cancer.

A humble fruit, Graviola or soursop mainly found in the rain forests of Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia, caught media attention a few years back when it was observed in research facilities that Graviola concentrates could kill a few kinds of liver and bosom malignant growth cells. This custard apple resembling fruit is easily available in various other regions as well such as Hyderabad. However, it is known as Rama Palam in Telugu, the local language of the city. Is Graviola a natural cancer killer? Let’s take a look at Soursop’s uses and some of the health benefits of this fruit.

Where is Graviola Tree Found?

Graviola Tree is an evergreen short tree mainly found in Cuba, Central America, Mexico, Columbia, Brazil, Peru Venezuela, and other Amazon rainforest areas. It comes as a ray of hope for millions of cancer patients as well as doctors treating this disease. Scientifically known as Annona muricata, this organic product can be considered as a divine being gift for the whole local area that is searching for a characteristic disease fix. However, a ton should be verified before it is proclaimed as a demonstrated therapy for the disease. Graviola is available in various forms such as leaves, powder, capsules, and even liquid forms.

Soursop or Graviola – One Fruit Different Names | Graviola Synonyms

Spaniards call this fruit “guanabana”. The Portuguese call it “Gaviola”. Brazilians call it by various names like pawpaw, guyabano, corossolier, guanavana, toge-banreisi, durian benggala, nangka blanda, sirsak, and nangka londa. In the South Indian state of Kerala, it is known aMullainathantha” which just means custard apple with thistles. In other Indian regions, it is known as shul-ram-fal and hanuman fal.

The fruit is large and tastes like sour citrus fruit. It has a while pulp that can be eaten raw or used in preparing juice or sherbets.

The anti-cancerous properties of this fruit are remarkable. According to some reports, it can be ten thousand times more effective than regular chemotherapy.

Graviola Health Benefits and Some General Properties

  • Graviola or soursop cancer cure Benefits: Though used for treating various medical conditions, Graviola has become very popular due to its anti-cancerous effects.
  • It has anti-microbial properties that work wonders in fighting fungal infections.
  • Intestinal worms and parasites are killed naturally by this fruit
  • Graviola is also used in managing and treating high BP
  • People suffering from stress, depression, and nervous disorders have shown positive results after consuming this fruit.
  • t soursop juice works as a cancer prevention syrup. What’s more, it is a natural fruit juice, therefore you won’t have any side effects. Graviola trees can easily be planted anywhere including Hyderabad.

Gaviola Research Studies

  • Its extract kills cancer cells and is as effective as a natural therapy. This is why Graviola is being considered as a chemotherapy alternative by a few people.
  • Unlike Chemo Therapy it has no side effects such as weight loss, hair loss, and nausea.
  • Soursop extract is an immune system booster and protector.
  • The plant extract works against many deadly infections.
  • No matter how long the treatment continues, you feel stronger and healthier.
  • It improves the overall outlook of the persons who use this fruit for treatment.
  • The leaves and tree stems are equally effective in killing cancer cells.

Gaviola Tree Extract Benefits

  • The extract of Gaviola kills the cancerous cells of colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, and lung cancer
  • It does not harm healthy cells while killing cancer cells

Other Soursop Medicinal Uses

Soursop tree bark, leaves, roots, and even fruit seeds have been used by medical practitioners for treating various health issues including:

  • Heart Diseases
  • Malfunctioning Liver
  • Asthmatic issues
  • Arthritis and Joint Related Ailments

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