Recent studies by the researchers of Washington University of St Louis along with their German collaborators have found that a compound ‘epigallocatechin-3-gallate’ (EGCG) found in green tea leaves helps patients suffering from bone-marrow disorders.

Multiple myeloma and amyloidosis which are life-threatening medical complications associated with bone-marrow disorders can be treated with the help of EGCG of green tea leaves.

This research study was published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Green tea is considered a super beverage and is currently consumed by many individuals as a characteristic weight reduction treatment to lose additional weight.

Patients with bone marrow issues are more inclined to a deadly condition called light chain amyloidosis, the condition in which the individual’s antibodies mishappen and collect in different organs of the body including the heart and kidneys.

The study was carried out to find out the working of light chain amyloidosis and how the green tea compound affects this specific protein.

The research was carried out by isolating light chains from nine patients suffering from bone marrow disorders after they suffered multiple myeloma or amyloidosis.

The lab tests were then completed to perceive what the green tea compound meant for the light chain protein.

The review demonstrated that EGCG of the green tea changed the light chain amyloid in bone marrow patients. This manner helped in forestalling the mishappening and reproducing of the antibodies thus preventing their accumulation in body organs.

The light chain was transformed into different types of aggregates that were not harmful and did not form fibril structures in the presence of ECGC in green tea. Thus, bone marrow disorders can get benefit from using green tea.

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