You may be a college student or housewife or a retired person. If you want to do part-time business, this article is for you. There are several part-time business ideas where individuals can spend a few hours in a day at their convenience and make money.

10 Part-Time Business Ideas you can start today

1) Home Tutor:

If you love to teach and also have a good grip on your favorite subject then you can start to teach as a home tutor. You can either call children to your home or you can pick up a few students and you can spend 2-3 hours in a day and teach them at the students’ homes. This is one of the good part-time business ideas for college students and housewives.

2) Arts and Crafts:

If you like creativity, you can work at home on arts and crafts. You can do several things including photo mugs and plates business by spending a few hours in a day. This would be a good idea for people who would like to explore new things and are interested in creativity.

3)  Sell items through e-Bay:

If you like trading (buying and selling), you should choose this business idea. You can sell several things on e-Bay. There are several good options where you need not own anything and you can buy them online and sell them to the people who are looking for such products.

4) Yoga Trainer:

If you are retired, you can choose this as one of the part-time business ideas. You can work as a Yoga trainer in a community hall or school premises during morning or evening hours and make money. This would be a good idea for individuals who are retired and who cannot go around the places to earn money.

5) Part-time photography: 

If you love photography, you can choose this as a part-time business. You can plan for wedding photography or photography for special events where you can spend a few hours and earn money. There are several ways where a photographer can earn money.

6) Train people on what you know:

If you have any expert skills, you can spend a few hours in a day and earn money. It includes any specific domain knowledge, functional knowledge, expertise in technical skills like Java, Dot net, etc. This is one of the good part-time business ideas if you have relevant expert skills.

7) Financial Advisor:

Many people spend their evenings for a few hours advising people on how an individual needs to do their financial planning and investments. I specifically spend a few hours a week and earn a few thousands of rupees in India by doing this as a part-time business.

8) Event Planning:

If you can create fun at a party or event, you can consider event management planning as a part-time business idea. There would be specific events conducted by schools, colleges, companies, etc. where you can create fun and plan the event well and earn money. If you love creating some fun, this could be one of the creative part-time business ideas.

9) Write articles and make money:

If you are good at writing skills, you can consider this as one of your part-time business ideas. There are several magazines and newspapers which provide an opportunity for writing articles part-time. You can also write on hubpages.com or Squidoo.com and earn money. The good part is there is no restriction on how many articles you need to write.  Depending on the quality of the articles, you would get money.

10) Earn money by uploading videos to YouTube:

If you like photo shooting and can do some creative videos, this business idea would suit you better. You can create videos, upload them to YouTube and start earning money. There are more than 10 ways where you can earn money after you upload the videos to YouTube.

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